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Solving 8-puzzle using breadth-first search

During the Andela-Stack Overflow mentorship programme, my mentor Nick, gave me a task to solve 8-puzzle using the breadth-first search algorithm.

In this post, I would try to explain my solution.

You can visit my gist to view the full implementation, but I would explain some methods I used here.

function time() {
  startTime = new Date();

  var puzzle = generatePuzzle();

  console.log('Puzzle to solve', puzzle);

  var result = breadthFirstSearch(puzzle, goalState);


  endTime = new Date();

  console.log('Operation took ' + (endTime.getTime() - startTime.getTime()) + ' msec');

I am using this function to calculate the total execution time of the program. In this method I am calling the generatePuzzle function to generate a random puzzle.

function generatePuzzle() {
  var arr = [];

  while(arr.length < 9){
    var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random()*9);
    var found = false;

    for(var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++){
      if(arr[i] == randomNumber){
        found = true;

    if(!found) {
      arr[arr.length] = randomNumber;


  if(!checkSolvable(arr)) {
    console.log('\n This puzzle: ' + arr + ' is unsolvable. \n Generating a new one \n');
    return generatePuzzle();

  return arr;

The generatePuzzle function generates a random puzzle and almost half of the existing N-puzzles are unsolvable, so I wrote another function to check if the puzzle is solvable or not, so we won’t expend stupid mental effort.

function checkSolvable(state) {
  var pos = state.indexOf(0);
  var _state = state.slice();
  var count = 0;


  for (var i = 0; i < _state.length; i++) {
    for (var j = i + 1; j < _state.length; j++) {
      if (_state[i] > _state[j]) {

  return count % 2 === 0;

Thanks to Tushar’s post on stack exchange, I was able to write the method to check if the generated puzzle is solvable.

After all that preamble which is very useful, I called the breadthFirstSearch method

function breadthFirstSearch(state, goalState) {
  state.prev = null;
  allSuc.push.apply(allSuc, getSuccessors(state));

  for (var i = 1; i < allSuc.length; i++) {
    if (compare(goalState, allSuc[i])) {
      return collateStates(i);
    } else {
      allSuc.push.apply(allSuc, getSuccessors(allSuc[i]));

What I am doing in breadthFirstSearch method is to find the successors - possible moves - of a state and add them to the allSuccessors array. The allSuccessors array is an open list of the states both yet to be evaluated and those I have evaluated.

Breadth First Search makes use of  a Queue so I push the successors to the end of the allSuccessors array to mimic that behavior

One big optimization I did was with here, Initially I wrote this

allSuc = allSuc.concat(getSuccessors(allSuc[i]));

but I discovered that it is not scalable because with concat, js is creating a new array, which is O(n) runtime. However with the new modification,

allSuc.push.apply(allSuc, getSuccessors(allSuc[i]));

push.apply is acting on the existing array, and that’s O(1) regardless of the size.

After that, I am calling the statesPerSecond method to get the number of states evaluated in a second, after which I called a compare method to check if the present state is the same with the goal state, if true call the collateStates method

function collateStates(i) {
  var _ = allSuc[i].prev;
  var result = [allSuc[i]];

  while (_) {
    for (var j = 0; j < allSuc.length; j++) {
      if (compare(_, allSuc[j])) {
        _ = allSuc[j].prev;

  return result.reverse();

Also, I check if the state has been checked before. If the state has been checked before, then I do not want to check it again. Previously, I was using an array and looping through to check if the state exists which is O(n) runtime. To improve that, I used a hash which has O(1) runtime for lookups.

Another method I need to explain is the getSuccessors method. This was the initial method that set the ball rolling for me, thanks to Nick for putting me through.

function getSuccessors(state) {
  var successors = [];
  var pos = state.indexOf(0);
  var row = Math.floor(pos / 3);
  var col = pos % 3;

  if (row > 0) {
    //move up
    move(state, successors, pos, -3);

  if (col > 0) {
    //move left
    move(state, successors, pos, -1);

  if (row < 2) {
    //move down
    move(state, successors, pos, 3);

  if (col < 2) {
    //move right
    move(state, successors, pos, 1);

  return successors;


I checked the position of the empty space which is denoted by ‘0’ and find whether it can move either move, up, left, center and I call the move method

function move(state, successors, pos, steps) {
  var _state, newState;
  newState = state.slice();

  swap(newState, pos, pos + steps);

  if (!compare(newState, state.prev)) {
    _state = newState.join('');
    if (typeof hash[_state] === 'undefined') {
      hash[_state] = newState;
      newState.prev = state;

This performs some critical checks

  1. Checks if the current state is not equal to the previous state, this is to avoid infinite loops because if we allow such then a state can be going up and down till the end of the program.
  2. Also, I check if the state has been checked before. If the state has been checked before, then I do not want to check it again. In implementing this, I was using an array and looping through to check if the state exists, this is O(n) which is bad to the program, so instead I used a hash which has O(1), especially when finding.

and with that I solved the puzzle.


Do I think it can be more optimize? Yes!

Am I working on improving it? Yes!

Can you suggest ways to improve this? Of course Yes! Please use the comment section.

Currently working on implementing this with A* algorithm, Nick said that is way faster. So my next blog post should be that

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