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Fix Error - No Selenium Server Jar found with Protractor

End to end testing with protractor is very important for developers doing BDD or TDD and using Angular

To install protractor there is a common error encountered of

"Warning: there's no selenium server jar at the specified **location**".

Though there are several solutions online, and some include you specifying the selenium jar folder in your protractor configuration file, I disagree with this solution because if you are in a team and have other developers contributing to the project, this solution may not work on their machine

So the solution that I did that fixed this was that, instead of running

webdriver-manager update

as specified in protractor site, you should run this command instead

./node_modules/protractor/bin/webdriver-manager update

This would update the webdriver that your app is using

and voila, the error should be gone, and you should see a selenium folder in the protractor folder in your app

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